C U L T U R E   S P O N S O R I N G
  • Our goal is to bridge gaps and overcome barriers that have historically been the cause of misunderstanding. Music and Opera and Art in all forms, is, we do belief the best way to bridge those divergences.

  • Culture sponsoring is important for our social life. For most countries culture sponsoring is a good possibility to show their social commitment. With Sponsor-Service you get in contact with potential sponsors for your events.

  • The key to effective cross-cultural communication is knowledge. First, it is essential that people understand the potential of cross-cultural communication, and make a conscious effort to overcome these differences. Second, it is important to assume that one’s efforts will not always be successful, and adjust one’s behavior appropriately.

  • While many people talk about destroying cultural barriers, our quest has always been to establish open lines of communication for our clients.

Louis Moser

Mobil +49-(0)172-3413366 
Tel. +49-(0)89-64911720
Fax. +49-(0)89-64911722
Mail: moser@euroentrepreneurs-tv.de

Bei erfolgreicher Vermittlung eines Kandidaten berechnen wir Ihrem Unternehmen, vier Monatsgehälter plus 4/12 der Tantiemen plus der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer. Ein expliziter Vertrag im Einzelnen ist Voraussetzung um für Sie tätig zu werden. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Auftrag und danken für Ihr  entgegen gebrachtes Vertrauen.


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